Our Vision
Transforming Lives That Others Might See Jesus!
Our Mission
Equipping and empowering individuals and families to fulfill the Great Commission through discipleship, training and releasing spiritual mothers and fathers through Apostolic and Pastoral oversight.
Fulfill the call of the local church in the community by establishing a gathering place to raise up a standard for worship, healing, and ministry to its body.
Co-labor with Him to build His Kingdom through prayer, practice, and obedience to His word.
Work locally and globally to restore the Tabernacle of David by supporting 24/7 Prayer, Praise and Worship.
Build a network of house churches based on the house-to-house model in Acts 5:42.
Establish and provide an Apostolic Resource Center (ARC) in the community to train and facilitate the release of gifts and the works of service for the equipping and building up of the Body of Christ.